
The training missions are all about onboarding for new players. They act as a helping hand for new players to guide them through some of the deeper mechanics which wouldn’t be present in our FTUE. 

Platform: iOS/Android

Engine: Unity

Tools Used: Unity, Excel, Perforce, Brick, Visual Studio (JSON), proprietary tools

Duration: 1 year

Release Date: September 2020

Detailed Info:

Training Missions

Atari Combat: Tank Fury was the most ambitious game from KFF yet. With that came more features, more features brought along a longer tutorial. An excessively long tutorial was something we didn’t want to drag the player through. So the Training Mission system was conceived. The Training Mission system gave the players a list of tasks to help guide them along the early game after the FTUE was completed. This acted like a tour of all the features as the players unlocked them. The players could explore our game without being stuck on rails but were still encouraged to take specific actions. Think of it as more of a soft nudge rather than forcing the player to take an action.

Show Mes

To further help keep them from getting lost, we created the Show Me system. When the player selects the “Show Me” button in the Training Missions they are guided through the task and taught/reinforced the feature selected. With these two systems combined we are able to cover all the additional features in our game at a comfortable pace with our player. We avoid having them stuck in a massive tutorial for a prolonged period of time and instead get them playing and enjoying our game at their leisure. 

Disclaimer: the amazing art was created by the art team at KFF.